Monthly Archive: May 2019
“Bela Lugosi’s dead, undead undead” The famous goth anthem was playing when I entered the club. This Saturday’s debauchery happened in the local World War 2 left-over underground bunker. The place’s atmosphere fit tonight’s...
Has your submission increased or decreased over time? Have you ever had to renegotiate your submission due to a change in your feelings or circumstance? My submission has definitely become more prominent with time...
Until 2015, I had never taken sexy pictures or a nude. I didn’t feel comfortable in my skin and I also had no reason to. Who would I share it with? My husband who...
How socially connected is your submission? Do you look for others to talk to about your submission for support or networking? Do you go to events or connect through another sort of social grouping...
It’s interesting how rituals that long ago generally were part of a spiritual context have found their ways into all our lives. Might it be the morning ritual of kissing your husband before he...
I love wearing net-dresses, they are both naughty and goth, and in different variations they work well in a club-setting or in the bedroom! I like this picture because I look vulnerable, yet confident....
Very often the stereotype of submission is that the submissive person loses the ability to have an opinion. While that clearly isn’t true except in the absolute rarest of occasions, how does communication factor into...
I’ve had trust issues all my life. From a very young age, I got taught that it was unsafe to show emotions, that showing weakness meant punishment. I realized that trusting someone with who...
We had been discussing this for a while. because I knew that he had been doing it in previous relationships. He just wanted to make sure that I was ready and that there was...
Have you found your submission has changed with different partners/relationships? If you’re involved with partners of both sexes, does your submission relate or change based on gender or does it depend on the person?...
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