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26 Responses

  1. Brilliant shot!

    Rebel xox

  2. Sweetgirl says:

    Nice!!!! I wish I had the ability to create this type of image… where there’s no distracting background..

  3. kisungura says:

    That little section of negative space between you both is such an erotic focal point, right before contact. Very powerful image, I love it.

    • Thank you, Kis! It was hard to create that space because I had my eyes closed and the timer was on! So there were quite a few outtakes of him almost touching my nose instead haha.

  4. TJ says:

    Such a great photo!

  5. May says:

    Loving your hair – a great pink image all round 😉 x

  6. jupitergrant says:

    What a brilliant shot!! ?

  7. You look like you are certainly about to enjoy that . . . lollipop !!!
    Gorgeous photo !!!
    Xxx – K

  8. Molly says:

    This is completely and utterly magical


  9. Love the cyberpunk neon of this! Working up a nam-CHUB of Enki!

  10. PurpleSole says:

    I love how your tongue is sticking out, pointed to receive its delight

  11. slave sindee says:

    all the comments are spot on
    i think He is very lucky to have You

  1. January 1, 2020

    […] in the top five of the week. The pictures that made it are: A Still Moment, Yours, Post Squirtum, Lollipop, This Roaring Silence and Good […]

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