Christmas – Doing it my way
I have very complicated feelings about Christmas. On the one hand, the month of December is a very triggering time for me. You can see the focus on happy family time and feel the...
Sex. Kink. Submission. Erotica.
I have very complicated feelings about Christmas. On the one hand, the month of December is a very triggering time for me. You can see the focus on happy family time and feel the...
I love being naughty, in both all the mischievous and all the sexual ways. I don’t even pretend to be a good girl. Although sometimes I want to be one. Or better said: I...
I pulled my bobble hat tighter over my ears, adjusted my mittens and walked out into the frosty air. I was carrying a huge cauldron filled with mulled wine over to the fire place....
I need you to apologize to me. I need you to apologize to me because I sometimes question my own sanity. I need you to apologize to me because I don’t believe myself and...
I think everyone has multitasking abilities, it just depends on what area of life we are talking about. Parents are great multitaskers because they have no other choice, they are forced into handling a...
Your eyes. Your brown eyes with the grey circles that only show in certain angles and when the light hits them just right. Behind those glasses that perfectly accentuate those windows to who you...
Everyone has certain baselines, a sort of stable continuous state of things. There are baselines of mental well-being, of physical health, of how our days look like. And there is the baseline of who...
I have never really been one for conventional relationships. My longest and most successful relationship during my teenage years was with an asexual biromantic man. My longest relationship so far had been with someone...
I don’t mind being awkward, I actually sometimes thrive on saying or doing something awkward to see others cringe. Yes, I am one of those people who like to torture people on a fun...
I have always had kinky fantasies but it took me many years to translate those urges and needs into a reality of sexual pleasure. A kink is something that is seen as deviant from...
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