I Am A Squishy Multitasking Octopus

I think everyone has multitasking abilities, it just depends on what area of life we are talking about. Parents are great multitaskers because they have no other choice, they are forced into handling a lot of things all at once. Someone working in retails needs to handle a lot stuff at the same time too. And come on, who doesn’t sit on the loo and check their Facebook feed at the same time? But there is a difference in enjoying it, and if you are actually good at it too. I love multitasking, and I know that I am pretty good at it, too!

Multitasking and Coping

At the moment, I am writing this post, I am listening to music, I am supporting a friend with a big life decision, I am on my private Facebook trying to explain to another friend how to use rubber stamps, and I am redoing the SEO on an old blog post. I have 26 tabs open on my browser. You can call me an octopus. I don’t mean a toy from the fun sex toy company, no. Although, I am a good sex toy for my Master! But that is a topic for another post, eh? No, I mean the squishy animal with the tentacles. I can handle a lot of different things at the same time, and I am rocking most of those things too. I make mistakes like anyone else would, but in general, multitasking is a good thing for me.

The need for multitasking comes from a need for constant stimulation. I need to be forced to focus, to be on top of my game. If I try to focus on thing at a time, I quickly lose concentration. I start procrastinating, I start to daydream. I get reminded of my mental health issues, physical things that are going on. So I need to be constantly stimulated in an extreme way, to be able to concentrate.

I know this has a lot to do with dissociation and anxiety. There is a need the distraction, the constant stimulation. And I know that I am also great at multitasking because I have Dissociative Identity Disorder. The different alters are at work when different things are being done at the same time. But that is a good thing, because they all need to be occupied so the anxiety and triggers are being kept at bay. Like, there are several of us that have terrible health anxiety. If I wouldn’t overstimulate my brain, then the focus would be on all kinds of physical alignments instead of actually doing something that would make us feel accomplished.

I think that is also a reason for my love of multitasking. I just get so many more things done, and I feel more accomplished. And I can do all the stuff I usually do when procrastinating too: discussing the best ink for rubber stamps (dark colours always work best!), watching Netflix, listening to music. It is like I get to embrace everything all at once.

Thinking about it, my multitasking abilities are also very strongly linked to Bipolar Disorder episodes. When I am in hypomania, I can do lots and do it well too. I can be involved in 10 projects and I am still able to write on my blog, send in pitches and read other people’s stuff at the same time, while doing other hobbies, socializing and fucking for hours each day.

In depression, things look a bit different. I can’t do as much at the same time, my brain is just slower and gets overwhelmed faster. There were times when multitasking really helped me get through difficult times. The distraction of doing ten things at once, made it possible to not have to think of the bad things going on, and to push forward instead. I remember watching a movie, while listening to loud music, talking to friend in a Skype call, petting my cat and writing. All at the same time. That is when multitasking becomes a valuable distraction strategy.

Planning, Being Aware of Your Abilities and Self-Care

But I also think that multitasking can lead to mistakes if you are becoming careless and do too many things at once. It is all about knowing your abilities and prioritizing. Not everyone can multitask, and not everyone can always multitask on the same level. So what has helped me to avoid mistakes and to be in tune with what I am able to do at certain times is to first take into consideration where my mental and physical health are at.

Some days, it is better to not do a million things at once so I am actually able to finish something. My routines are always prioritized, and I use lists and a planner. I have the one thing I really need to do, and I start with that one thing. Then other things happen and they get my focus too, while I continue working on the goal, the project, the task. It is important for me to have goals for the day, to have lists that I can cross things off from. I sit down every Sunday for an hour or two and plan the coming week. It really helps me prioritize, and feel accomplished.

Multitasking might seem chaotic to some, but it isn’t for me. It is just the way that I am. I am never still. I don’t know how to rest, to not always be a busy bee in one way or another. It can become unhealthy when you start neglecting self-care and instead continue to do a million things. It is important to be self-aware, to recognize when things are too much. Some tell tale signs for me are when things that I enjoy seem more like chores than fun activities to engage in, when I get snappy with people and when I start making mistakes. That is when I scale down a bit and try to focus on less things all at once. But believe me, I will always go back to being the multitasking octopus. I like being squishy like that.

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15 Responses

  1. Kayla Lords says:

    I used to be able to multitask, but have lost that skill (and even when I could, I still wasn’t at your level, lol). That being said, I definitely recognize that when I’m in a manic state (I also have bipolar disorder), I *can* get more done — its a time when I feel like I’m firing on all cylinders and I love it. And yeah, those depressive states suck. Not only am I not getting multiple things done, I’m barely getting part of one thing done.

    • Ah, firing on all cylinders is exactly what I’d call it too. It just all feels right and there is this urge to get things done. And then in depression it is like, why oh why are there things that need to be done, it doesn’t make sense! Maybe I will lose my ability to multitask one day too. I hope not!

  2. J. Lynn says:

    I love the octopus metaphor DS! I don’t have bipolar disorder but I understand the manic state- it’s also somehow linked to high functioning anxiety and the need to keep the monsters at bay.

    • Yes, it is definitely linked to high functioning anxiety, when I am anxious, I need to be very busy too, to keep it under control. Not sure if that is a positive though. :O

  3. Lol – I am similar with 101 tabs open and trying to get do much done. I force myself to rest now because I didn’t and it wasn’t pretty when I crashed x

  4. slave sindee says:

    love the thought of octopus DS getting it all done and looking forward to octopus sex toy DS !!

  5. I used to be like you, multitask and be able to concentrate on so many things at once, but something has changed. I don’t know what, but I do have to plan everything in now, or nothing will be done good. That said, I can still write a story and listen to the television at the same time, but I can’t write and listen to a conversation anymore. Slight changes, but some of them quite significant, which made me realize I have to plan to be able to do all I want.

    Rebel xox

    • That is unfortunate, that something has changed for you, But I am also all for planning to actually get things done. And at least you are not at a stage where you’d need total silence and can’t focus at all anymore. You still get things done, and that is awesome!

  6. Miss Scarlet says:

    I like the idea of planning your week ahead on a Sunday. I might try that in the new year!

  7. PurpleSole says:

    Best blog post title 😊 I too will leave tabs open, mine are never to be looked at and then closed later on

  1. August 28, 2020

    […] I am a Squishy Multitasking Octopus by Deviant Succubus Not gonna lie, the title got me. Paired with the image, I had a good chuckle. While I didn’t completely relate to thriving on multitasking (it tends to feed my anxiety, in fact), I could absolutely relate to Deviant’s description of a hypomanic episode. I have also been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and when I experience mania, all cylinders are firing. I really can do multiple things at once, make ALL the plans, and get it all done with a smile on my face. Unfortunately (for me) it’s not sustainable once I come back down to earth. But it was so nice to see that someone else can relate. […]

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