My Sexual Journey
I love sex. When you come to my blog, that is probably one of the first things you notice about me. I am a very sexual person and I don’t hide that fact. But...
Sex. Kink. Submission. Erotica.
I love sex. When you come to my blog, that is probably one of the first things you notice about me. I am a very sexual person and I don’t hide that fact. But...
And here we go again! I can never get enough of sextoys it seems! In the past, I have mostly tried out the vibrating variety of things because let’s be honest: they get you...
It is difficult for me to write about sex right now. I’m just not feeling it. The writing or the need for sex. I usually can push myself to still to do either but...
I’m twiddling with a new sex toy, pressing buttons and trying to understand how to turn the small wand on. I have just taken some pictures and remembered that I haven’t really tried out...
Plop. The nipplesucker leaves my skin and I giggle. I love trying out new toys, even if they seem silly at first. I try to attach them to my nipples and laugh because it...
He is on top of me, not inside me yet, and he is trying to hurt me. I want him to hurt me, I like when he gives me pain when we have sex....
“Grab your ankles. Yes, just like that. Look at you, naughty puppet. All needy. You want to come, don’t you? Let me help you come. Do you want that, puppet?” “Yes, Master, I want...
He was holding my hand and I followed him. He knew where we were going, I did not. It felt safe because he was leading me. I trusted him. I would give my all...
We were watching a movie. One of those movies where the action is so fast and confusing, that you can’t really follow the plot. But you are impressed by the special effects, the animations...
I admit that it is difficult to find an interesting topic that starts with the letter Q, and that is also in some way related to the body and body love. But after some...
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