Deviant Succubus Sex. Kink.Submission.Erotica
I tell you what I want – what I really really want. D/s, Needs and Wants
The wants and needs in a D/s relationship should be pretty easy to describe. Someone has the need to be dominated and be submissive, the partner wants to dominate and have control. But it...
Needy Slut
I had been restless all day, and now with him at work, all I could think about was touching myself. An urge very unlike me, an urge I hadn’t felt in a while. So...
Taking his Crown
I watched him observe the room. The expression on his face told me exactly what I wanted to know. He was looking for fresh meat. A glass of wine in his hand, he was...
I am Sensual
I am a sensual being. More often than not, I am described as bold, badass and tough. And I don’t deny being those things. But I am definitely more than that. With my submissive...
Libido – Between Highs and Lows
Libido, or sexual desire, is complicated.. You can have too much or too little. Sometimes it is overwhelmingly strong but there is no way to make use of it. Other times you would really...
A Nuanced Perspective on Platitudes? – I tried but failed
I hate platitudes. They are invalidating of people’s pain and they try to shut people up when they are trying to show their emotions. Platitudes are short expressions that you can tell someone who...
An Ode to Spring
As I stand here, eyes closed My senses are awakened by the symphony of beauty you have created. I welcome you, oh wonderful spring. Your tantalizing scents play with my mind, Your exquisite sounds...
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