Category: Sinful Sunday


I am Sensual

I am a sensual being. More often than not, I am described as bold, badass and tough. And I don’t deny being those things. But I am definitely more than that. With my submissive...


On the Beach

It has been exceptionally warm here lately. Summer temperatures and sunshine. We live right by the beach so we spent a lot of time outside, enjoying the first few days of the year that...


Getting My Sexy Back

I haven’t felt it lately, the sexiness. It didn’t matter if clothed, barely clothed or naked. I couldn’t stand looking at myself. And I couldn’t even imagine anyone finding me remotely attractive. Those feelings...



Boom. Sometimes bold can be beautiful. Actually, with me, you are probably used to bold at this point, eh? If you want to see more naked and sexy pictures of me, and videos too,...



I finally have a bathtub again. I haven’t had one in well over 10 years and to be honest, I am more of a shower person anyway. Baths take time: to set up, to...



I have been waiting patiently. I knew that eventually the white gold would rain upon us here as well. And yesterday it finally snowed. Winter might not be my favourite time of the year...


Tutu Texture

It is prompt week for Sinful Sunday and the prompt is: texture! I quite like prompts because they challenge me to take pictures in a way that I usually don’t do. I am more...



I have been so busy, I haven’t had a lot of time for pictures, writing or even sex. Moving is a bitch and I really hope I won’t have to do it again for...


Warm Winter Sun

While the rest of the Northern hemisphere has had its fair share of cold weather and snow, we have been blessed with spring conditions. I do miss the proper winter and it seems like...



Sometimes all you got to do is to throw on a corset and a see-through lace shirt, and you feel sexy. Almost classy. I needed to feel sexy today. Mission accomplished. If you want...