Tutu Texture


It is prompt week for Sinful Sunday and the prompt is: texture! I quite like prompts because they challenge me to take pictures in a way that I usually don’t do. I am more of a concept person, and if I had the money, I’d book amazing locations and would come up with stories for my pictures, different outfits and stylings and just create art. But something as simple as “texture” made me think about fabrics, about skin, about close-ups and not at all about the concept art that I usually focus on. So I learnt something, and I got to wear a tutu. Yay me!

Sinful Sunday

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7 Responses

  1. Lisa Stone says:

    Nice image. I wish I could see more.

  2. Beautiful textures here, Devie!
    ~ Marie

  3. slave sindee says:


  4. Julie says:

    The textures in your outfits are always wonderful. I love this image xx

  5. Molly says:

    There is something about the torn threads of the fishnet top across your shoulder and arms that I find completely captivating. I feel like this image would make a great prompt for writing an erotic story


  6. Mary Wood says:

    You did it. The textures in this picture are rife.

  7. Stella says:

    Absolutely sizzling! So, so sexy!!!

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