Chest Tie

My favourite ties are chest ties. I find them to be the most beautiful, and I love the way the rope restraints my chest a little. The first time I ever engaged in rope play, we did a chest tie, and I remember closing my eyes and enjoying the sensation of the rope gently touching my skin and then being pulled tighter. My partner’s hands everywhere, it seemed. So doing another chest tie, after almost two years since the last one, was a very pleasurable experience. These kinds of ties are what will always pull me back to rope play.
I know that on this picture, the tie doesn’t look very tight. I was moving a little, and the fabric of my shirt is very slippery. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that I find this picture of myself very aesthetically pleasing. I need to try out more chest ties, it seems!
I love how you have colour matched. The star harness is one I really like, although I like to think of it more of a pentagram.
Thank you, PS! I call it the pentagram harness too, makes it sound more badass 😛
As if you need to be more badass 😜
The star looks so pretty on you and I really like the outfit you’re wearing underneath it. The rope curves so nicely around your lower boobs. I’m so pleased to read you like chest ties. The memory you describe of feeling the rope makes me smile. You’re definitely right, this looks very aesthetically pleasing.
(Also your makeup!! That wing looks amazing.)
Thank you! I am the queen of eyeliner wings 😛
I absolutely love how the purple rope matches your hair, and I agree, the feel of a chest harness is just lovely.
Rebel xox
Thank you <3
I love all the colours in this, the pinks and purples really pack a delightful punch.
Thank you, Bee!