
A naked woman gazing over the city and the mountains, in soft focus mode, with. Butt exposed. Gazing picture nude.
© DeviantSuccubus

Gazing over the city and the mountains, naked and warmed by the late afternoon sun. Safe in a distance, from the stressors of life and the piercing eyes of others. Free and alone, while still feeling connected to the world.

The prompt of this week’s Sinful Sunday is “Soft Focus”. Click on the banner to see other sinful and softly filtered pictures!

Sinful Sunday

More sexy pictures of me.

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40 Responses

  1. Floss says:

    What a glorious view 🙂 and those mountains look pretty god as well :p Fabulous image x

  2. Oh my, now that’s a gorgeous view, and I am not talking about the city! Love your bum!

    Rebel xox

  3. Oh, this is really well composed and so pretty. I love everything about it, the colors, feeling of serenity, your elegance…

  4. jupitergrant says:

    Wonderful image and gorgeous bum! Great photo ?

  5. MPB says:

    I love doing just that. A glorious photo of the views on offer

  6. Molly says:

    “Free and alone, while still feeling connected to the world.” This is such a rare feeling but one that I often experience when I am out taking self portraits in the woods etc


    • I can totally see that! Being nature is often about being at a distance from modern life and people, and at the same time we feel closer connected to nature and the universe.

  7. Gorgeous!

  8. KP says:

    That is a mesmerising image x

  9. Littlegem says:

    Beautiful image and lovely view.

  10. Alethea Hunt says:

    I can feel the warmth of the evening and hear the distant traffic and city noise. So much captured in one image, topped with your glorious body. x

  11. victoriablisseuk says:

    Oooh, there’s a real feel of peace to this.

  12. kisungura says:

    I love how melancholic yet strong this image is, like taking a pause from the world whilst quietly observing it still. You look stunning!

  13. J. Lynn says:

    Gorgeous! The view is great too❣️

  14. What a nice booty! I love how the effect makes the city skyline look like Oz. Very beautiful!

  15. missy says:

    What a perfect bottom. I love this picture of you 🙂

  16. Posy Churchgate says:

    This is such a lush image, I like ALL the secenry. You look relaxed and focused, but perhaps you are waiting for your photographer to put the camera down …

  17. May says:

    Fabulous shot DS 😉

  18. sub-Bee says:

    What a fabulous view you’ve given us. The city and mountains in the background look amazing too.

  19. You have delicious legs – I LOVE the dip on your calves!!!x

  20. slave sindee says:

    i love gazing upon your bottom
    came back to gaze ok really stare at your sweet cheeks ???

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