
I was putting the jawbreaker back into my mouth and allowing my tongue to push it from side to side. My mouth filled with saliva and sweetness, I pondered about how he would react, knowing his jawbreaker was gone. He had bought two of them yesterday, one for him, and one for me. I couldn’t hold back and had eaten mine before going to bed. His candy had been waiting in the tiny cellophane bag for him all day. It had taunted me. I was trying to savour every moment because I knew, once he was home, I’d have to pay for what I had done.
The front door opened. I took the candy out of my mouth and hid it in my hand behind my back. He was standing in the kitchen door, smiling at me. “Hey, how is my girl doing?”. He walked over to me and gave me a kiss. Pulling back, he looked at the counter. He raised his eyebrows. “Why are your hands behind your back?”. I looked at him in terror.
“Show me your hands!”
“Because I am telling you to. Open your hands, girl!”, he said sternly.
“Yes, Master.” I swallowed. I opened my hands in front of me. In my right hand, the sticky candy ball was glued to my palm.
“That was mine. I told you not to eat that jawbreaker, and you did anyway!”
“Sorry, Master”. I stared at the floor.
“Don’t you dare move. Stay right where you are!”.
He walked out of the room and a minute later he returned. “I have something to fill your greedy, needy sugarfilled mouth with!” His hands behind my head, he closed the harness of the gagball. The hard plastic was keeping my mouth wide open, the sugary saliva was already starting to drip out. Attentively, he looked at me. “Mmm, delicious.”.
He pulled me into the bedroom by my right ear, pulled my pants down and pushed me onto the bed. A pool of drool gathered under my face. I wanted him to fuck me, to show me that he was in charge. My pussy was wet and needy.
“I will fuck you now because I want to. Because I am your Master and you are to listen. This is not a reward, this is me taking what I want. And don’t you dare come. You are not allowed to come!”
I felt his hard cock enter me. His hands held on to my hips. I tried not to come. His movements became faster and I heard him growl. Primal passion. He pulled his cock out of me, and I felt his cum landing on my naked ass. “Don’t move until I tell you to! Good girl!”. I heard him buckle his belt, open the front door and leave. He was probably going to buy another jawbreaker. And I was determined to stay where I was. Used, drooling, butt up in the air. Because I am a good girl.
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very hot
Thank you <3
Naughty naughty! Wonderfully naughty! ?
Hehe, thanks <3