Tagged: picture



If you say that we’re ill, give us your pillHope we’ll just go awayBut once you’ve inhaled deathEverything else is perfumeMaybe I’m just a mystery, I could end up your miseryMaybe I’m just a mystery, I could end up your miseryIn the end,...



shining like diamonds under a light it twists and dances along sun light I envy it’s beauty so clean and pure I now wonder how long it’ll endure Source Psst, if you want to...



Through the coolness, I hear a fluttering, Hear the current lift, The rising flood, Hear ecstasy Sing in my ear “Dryad” – Johannes Bobrowski Psst, if you want to see more naked and sexy...


Purple Lotus

Just like this  purple lotus Which is powerful on the surface For she uncovers her sweetly flowery face Gazes above her adoration king Waited upon water for kisses by a dew Source Psst, if...


Just a Girl

‘Cause I’m just a girl, a little ol’ me Well, don’t let me out of your sight Oh, I’m just a girl, all pretty and petite So don’t let me have any rights Oh,...



Everywhere now reminding meI am not who I used to beI’m afraid this has just begunConsequences for what I’ve done, yeah I don’t believe itI had to see itI came back, I came back...


I’m not gonna crack

I’m so happy because today I’ve found my friends They’re in my head I’m so ugly, but that’s okay, ’cause so are you We’ve broken our mirrors Sunday morning is everyday for all I...


Head Cage Tie

Now you tie me up to your feather bedAnd I twist and turn in a chinese burnYou won’t let goYou won’t let go You’re inside my headInside my head Inside my head – Radiohead...


In Deep Thought

No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness. Aristotle Want to see more sexy images, artsy photosets and naughty videos? Well, well, well, why don’t you subscribe to my OnlyFans!