
It probably doesn’t come as a surprise: I really like cemeteries. In North America they are not as impressive as the European ones. But nevertheless, they emit this atmosphere of serenity and depth. I tend to look at the different gravestones and imagine the lives lived of the people buried. While wandering the cemetery yesterday, I felt the urge to take a sexy picture. I didn’t sense that the atmosphere was allowing for a full-on nude, or anything overly sexual, so I went for sensual. Sometimes leaving space open for the imagination is more arousing than hardcore pornographic depictions anyway.
Re: sensual vs overt — YES.
There is definitely room for imagination here.
Right? You don’t always have everything dangling out in the open to look sexy 😛
Should your travels ever take you to Buenos Aires, the Recoleta cemetery is one of the most beautiful in the world.
Thanks for the it! Not sure if I will ever end up in Buenos Aires, but I have made a mental note of it now!
This is beautiful! Very sensual, it definitely tells a story.
Thank you!
Love the set up and the pic. Good idea well executed.
Thank you, David!
Ahhhh we share that love of cemeteries that is for sure and I love this picture. I think your pose and outfit work perfectly in the setting
Thanks, Molly!
I love cemeteries too, they’re so beautiful and serene, as are you.
Thanks, Bee! Yes, they are often places of a lot of beauty and history.
oooh I really like this! It feels sexy but also respectful. Maybe that’s the wrong word? Demure? Restrained? It’s lovely anyway.
It’s good that she didn’t get naked. Much better this way. You look good!