
Erst wenn die Wolken schlafen gehen
Kann man uns am Himmel sehen
Wir haben Angst und sind allein
Gott weiß, ich will kein Engel sein
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Only once the clouds have fallen asleep can you see them…
(Or something like that. My translation is probably a bit off.) 😉
Your photo is somehow simultaneously both dark and innocent, Devie — I love it!
First when clouds are going to bed, can you see us in the skies. We are scared and are alone, God knows I don’t want to be angel 😛
Thank you <3
Great photo Devie, I can imagine you slowly being revealed during the whistling opening, then frolicking around as the song begins with pyrotechnics surrounding you. Those wings are quite the fire hazard though.
Thank you, PS! That is an awesome image of me being a dark angel, but I am not sure burning wings are a thing I want to experience haha.
Interesting image. I think that at heart you are a real angel!
I was like… am I seeing Dutch? Then saw the poem and remembered oooh German, right 😉
I love this picture. It gives me a vibe of both an angel and something darker but either way you’re soo sexy
The lighting and the shadow worked out so well in this picture too
Well, German and Dutch are sorta similar languages 😛
Thank you! I am really happy with this picture 😀
This is absolutely STUNNING, Devie. The corner, the wings, the look on your face. Just stunning!
~ Marie
Thank you, Marie! I feel like the picture really turned out well 😀
I LOVE this. You look sexy and dark and your image is sticking in my head. Brilliant. missy x
Thank you, Missy <3
Ooooh Fab image, Devie <3 x
Thank youuu!
A dark angel… the best kind
For sure!
A perfect dark angel.
Thank youuu!
Wow, this looks real!
Great compliment! the feathers are actually real, i was wearing fake wings after all 😛
It was your expression too, are you helpless and trapped or about to pounce on fresh prey?
Dark Angel is a pin up girl
great pic
Thank you, Sindee <3
Hmmm. A dark angel!
Hmmm, dark angels are sexy angels, I hope 😛
Most assuredly!!