Tagged: erotic picture


Shower Boob

I took a shower. The things you need to do when you are a functioning adult. Now I am a clean puppet.


Sliding in the Darkness

Goth nude on a slide? Here is probably something that you never thought you’d see! Playgrounds are grounds for play, no? We had an interesting night the other day, taking a walk in the...


Wunderbar Bra

I have more than once talked about how difficult it is for someone with my body shape to find beautiful underwear and lingerie. Things are either flowery or made out of cotton, both not...



You are my purest consolation, you are my firmest protection, you are the best thing I have, for nothing hurts like you. No, nothing hurts like you. You smart like ice and fire, you...


Glorious Gazebo

Naked but not naked. I fooled you! You got to admit, my hair very much fits the arching of the gazebo in this picture. I love how it turned out! I am wearing one...


A Still Moment

I love getting my hair pulled. Unable to move my head. Eyes closed. Mouth open. Waiting. Holding my breath. Enjoying being controlled. A still moment. Bound to him. Click the banner and check out...



Summer is approaching, so it is finally time to take pictures outside! I had discovered this nice corner in the garden of our apartment building but had to wait until it got dark, to...


Primal Much?

The prompt for this week’s Sinful Sunday is “A outtake picture”. The one I have chosen is not a nude, but I still feel like it is sinful because I was actually trying to...