Why make so much of fragmentary blue In here and there a bird, or butterfly, Or flower, or wearing-stone, or open eye, When heaven presents in sheets the solid hue?
Thank youuu! But they are actually not dyed, I bought them blue and something in their petals and leaves turned the water dark blue. I was just lucky lol.
Bless these flowers for making the water so blue. I like how you can see a little bit of your reflection in the vase. I like how perfectly in the middle this picture us and how the lower part is dark, whereas the upper part of your body is light. The blue looks so nice against your skin too
I like the detail of having blue water to match the flowers, or are they dyed 🤔. Either way, lovely image Devie.
Some of the petals actually dropped into the water and dyed the water dark blue! It was just a lucky thing lol. Thanks, PS!
This is a really nice image, Devie 🙂
~ Marie
Thank you, Marie <3
That blue is so pretty, I’ve always wondered about giving flower dying a go.
Thank youuu! But they are actually not dyed, I bought them blue and something in their petals and leaves turned the water dark blue. I was just lucky lol.
Awesome photo, Devie
Thanks! <3
Amazing shot, Devie. I like the way you’re staging the pictures.
Thank you, Mary <3
I love that blue – really prettty image, Devie x
Thank you, LSB <3
Bless these flowers for making the water so blue. I like how you can see a little bit of your reflection in the vase. I like how perfectly in the middle this picture us and how the lower part is dark, whereas the upper part of your body is light. The blue looks so nice against your skin too
Thank you, ML! It was really a lucky shot and I am glad it worked out so well!
The blue looks so lovely against your skin and I love the reflection in the vase
Thank you, Molly <3
Thanks <3