Harley Quinn
“You think I’m just a doll. A doll that’s pink and light. A doll you can arrange any way you like. You’re wrong. Very wrong. What you think of me is only a ghost of time. I am dangerous. And I will show you just how dark I can be.”
– Harley Quinn

“You really put the ‘fun’ in funeral”
– Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn, often just dismissed as the Joker’s girlfriend, is quite a deep character. She goes from being a psychologist in training to being a dangerous villain. She is more than just a destructive pretty face though, I have always felt that she is a sort of antihero. Harley Quinn is tragic in all its beauty. She is mad, she is intelligent, she is happy and free, and she is broken. I can relate to the antihero tendencies because I often feel like I am the antihero in my own story.
I picked a Harley Quinn theme for my picture this week not only because I can relate to the antihero theme. The erratic behaviour, the forced on smile, the fun yet deep character, all that is me. A lot times, my pictures are described as bold, sassy, strong, powerful. I can seem that way, yes. But there is also a tenderness, a gentleness in me. I think I have been able to capture that there is more than what first meets the eye in every person in these pictures. My take on Harley Quinn is both a statement, a contribution to Sinful Sunday’s H prompt, and a hommage to all the misunderstood women out there.

Harley would be proud.
I very much hope so, ha! Thank you!
Now the baseball bat makes sense! Pretty pictures DS 😊
Yes, haha, the baseball bat was definitely not meant for any kinky play 😛 (but who knows what the future will bring, haha!). Thank you, PS!
Lovely… I’ve always had a soft spot for her character too 😊😊
Thank you, Sweet <3
I love this!
The Harley quotes together with your photos make a powerful statement, but together with your commentary become an illustrated social commentary.
The Brit bloggers commonly use “brilliant” as an exclamatory comment on blog posts. I think I’ll borrow the sentiment, here.
This is brilliant! 🙂
Oh, thank you! I have really tried to give my pictures a meaning this week, and using a strong female character with lots of ambiguity seemed like the right way to go.
Beautiful. Playful. Tender. Stunning portrayal of different faces, Devi! Love this post.
Rebel xox
Thank you so much, Marie!
I love your tribute to Harley! Fabulous shots DS
Thank you so much 😀 <3
Thank you!
Great pictures and a reminder why we should all pay a little more attention to what’s deep below the surface. I’m also glad you found a good use for the bat you bought. 😘
Thank you! We are all more than just what others see us as! Yes, haha, the baseball was put to good use 😛
lovely photos very introspective
Thank you, Sindee <3
You are expressing how you feel about the world around you through association with this character. I love this. I could try to be Wonder Woman. I feel I might enjoy that and it would point to some of my traits! I’d love to give it a go though I might have to mask!
Thank you! Oh, you totally should, do a wonder woman version that works for you, and that represents who you are! I would love to see that!
Love that last photo – the make up is just brilliant ( put that in after reading Feve’s comment – me being a Brit lol )
May x
Thank you! I tried really hard to get the make up right so I had to add the face close up 😛 Brilliant is a brilliant way to say that something is great 😛
Oh these are brilliant . . . so clever and just perfect for your words!!!
Xxx – K
Thank you so much, K <3
Ahhhh DS these are extraordinary. Your make up is spot on and I love how you have captured two sides to her pand I totally agree with you about her being a very deep character. To be honest i think she is the most interesting character in the stories…. and their is something very hot about female killers to me as well and so I can’t help liking her in some weird way
Thank you so much, Molly! She is definitely someone who doesn’t give a fuck and goes for what she wants. She might be a killer, but that just makes her an anti-heroine, really. I am glad you can see why I picked Harley Quinn!
You look AMAZING in these photos. The stockings and boots in particular give me some squirmy feels, and your words and quotes are very clever and go well with the photos.
Thank you so much, Quinn!
I adore Harley Quinn <3 She is by far one of most favourite DC villains and you do her justice. Perfection, DS x
Thank you, LSB! She is one of my faves too!
These are brilliant images and you look incredible. I really like the close up where we can see your face but the outfit is fab too 🙂
Thank you so much, Missy <3
I’m not too into DC comics but I recognise Harley and can see you’ve done a great homage.
I do often remark on the strength in your pictures but recognise that it can be a ‘portrayal’- your words reveal so many more complex layers. I think this post viewed as a whole is awesome, You make a great anti-heroine xx
Thank you, Posy! I have always been good at showing a range of emotions in my pictures, but one thing that tends to always shine through for people is a strength, and that isn’t necessarily a negative, really.
I had hoped when you mentioned on Twitter you needed a baseball ball you were going for Harley! She is my favourite comic book character, there are so many facets to her. You’ve made an awesome Harley here, you’ve captured the essence of her perfectly.
Ha, that is quite awesome, that you thought of Harley when I mentioned a baseball bat 😛 Thank you, Bee <3
Absolutely gorgeous! Love the makeup. Perfect Harley.
Thank you so much, Eve!
Harley would swing her bat at glee at these, you’ve done a wonderful job in portraying both sides and I love what you’ve written about multi facets, I’m sure many of us can relate to your words x
Thank you, Kis! It was a fun shoot and totally worth buying a baseball bat for!
Gorgeous pictures 💖
Aww, thanks, Jupi!