A Strange Encounter

He embraced his shoulders as he entered the ruins of the old church. The roof only partially covered the rooms but this was still an improvement to the tree he had tried to find refuge under a few minutes ago. He had been wandering through the open landscapes and meadows all afternoon and had lost track of time. Darkness was slowly descending over the quiet scenery he was looking over as he turned around. The rain shower had surprised him. He had been in deep thought, trying to gather where his path was supposed to lead him, flashes of his now broken engagement mixing with dreams of white beaches and turquoise waters. He was now determined to leave the country and engage in hedonistic pleasures for a while.

But first he had to get back to town. He had taken the bus to the countryside, for a lonesome walk to clear his mind. But now he was trying to find any landmarks that would tell him about where exactly he was. The wet cold of the rain seemed to creep under his clothing and he shivered. Looking at his phone, he tried to open google maps, knowing that he’d need a location to direct a taxi to. But then he heard a sudden sound behind him. He turned around, his eyes slowly adjusting to the grey darkness of an early autumn evening. “Probably an animal seeking shelter from the rain”, he thought to himself and tried to continue swiping through maps with wet fingers.

A shuffling of feet caught his attention. Yet again, he turned around, now trying harder to see in the space almost void of light. There in the corner, under another part of the roof, he could make out a creature. He took a step closer, wondering what kind of animal had found a safe shelter from the sky’s waters. “That is not an animal, that is a woman!”, he exclaimed. The shape in front of him became clearer. It was indeed a woman, dressed in a short black dress, one of the straps hanging loosely on her shoulder. “Wasn’t she freezing?”, he thought.

“Hello, Miss? Are you alright?”, he walked towards her, smiling. He saw her eyes glister in the dark but couldn’t make out her face just yet. He noticed her pale porcelain skin, and her naked feet on the cold stone floor. An uncomfortable sensation overcame him as he realized that something was just not right. Why was she staying silent? Why was she barely dressed on such a cold day in October?

She took a step toward him and he saw her face. Black eyeliner around her eyes, red smudged lipstick. He noticed her beauty and felt that something was uncanny about her appearance. Her movements were silent and flowing. Her feet seemed to barely touch the ground as she drew closer to him. “Aren’t you a pretty one!”, she said in a dark voice. She circled him, touching his shoulders, touching his brown short locks, fingers brushing his face. He didn’t dare move. “What is happening?”, he whispered.

“Lost, are we? What a dreary evening it is, oh handsome stranger!”, she whispered back. His words were stuck in his throat, he didn’t know how to speak anymore. His eyes were fixated on the creature in front of him. She seemed out of this world, yet, very much in the here and now. He watched her walk back to the corner of the room. Leaning against the wall, she smiled at him, looking deep into his eyes. He felt like she was playing with his soul, tickling it, drawing out information.

“Mhm, you like them willing. I am willing, Mister. Look how willing I am, for you.”. She slowly pulled down the straps of her dress. He couldn’t stop looking, he couldn’t move, he was hypnotized by her beauty, by her movements, by her voice. Her arms freed from the straps, she seductively pulled down the top of the dress, exposing her perfectly perky round breasts. He gasped, feeling the bulge in between his legs fill with blood and swell up. “What is happening? Who is she?”, confused thoughts were racing through his mind.

She parted her lips and started moaning as she circled her nipples with her fingers, never losing eye contact with him. Her buds grew hard and she pulled them slightly. He opened his mouth, fully overtaken by the sinful display in front of him. She pulled up her dress, allowing it to rest on her hips and spread her legs. She had been naked under the thin fabric. One hand now massaging her breast, the other parted her nether lips and fingers started teasing her button. Her moans became louder, she closed her eyes and rested her head against the wall.

He felt his cock being hard and ready in his pants. He wanted to join her, he wanted to fill her, to touch her needy body. But he was waiting for her invitation. His need for her grew, as he watched her spreading her legs even further and her back slowly sliding up and down the stone wall. “Come now, stranger, join me for a sinful dance.”. He rushed towards her, opening his belt on the way and dropping his pants in front of her. Her hands embraced his member and she almost howled: “Ooh, yes, I know you can give me what I need.”.

She moved his hand under her knee and rested her naked foot on his still clothed shoulder. Her hands were holding his neck. He moved his other hand under her round bottom, and looked into her fiery eyes. “Take me, stranger, take me!”, she whispered. He pushed himself into her, feeling wetness engulfing his cock. Pushing her back against the wall, he started to thrust in and out of her. The strange cold of her skin, of her tunnel, of her tongue playing with his, didn’t stop him from coming closer and closer to relief.

She jumped down, turned him around and pushed him against the wall. Her strength surprised him, she was shorter than him, she seemed tender. But before he even got the chance to question what was happening, she jumped onto his hips, her feet crossing behind him. He held her, and she was leaning back, into the cold air, her hips dictating the intensity of their carnal encounter. She was howling now, almost shrieking, riding him. “Fill me up, do it, darling, fill me up!”.

His body reacted to her command and within seconds his juices shot up inside her, filling her with his creamy seeds. She was laughing, and twitching together with him. climbing off of him, she landed on her feet, pulled down her dress, the straps over her shoulders again. “I will see you in your dreams, stranger.”, she said in her dark voice, and slowly left the ruins, her body almost floating over the cold stones.

Moments later he heard a shrieking howl and ran towards the sound. He looked into the now clear and starry sky, and watched a winged creature descent into the darkness. A shiver ran down his spine. He quickly pulled up his pants again and took out his phone. With trembling hands he looked up his location and called for a taxi. He needed to get out of this country.

Masturbation Monday

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30 Responses

  1. jupitergrant says:

    Brilliantly eerie. 💖

  2. Kayla Lords says:

    Delightfully spooky AND sexy!

  3. kisungura says:

    This gave me the shudders, very eerie!

  4. Kristan X says:

    Brilliant! A perfect story for Halloween.

  5. Posy Churchgate says:

    How wonderfully haunting. I hope she can come to him in his dreams.

  1. October 30, 2019

    […] He embraced his shoulders as he entered the ruins of the old church. The roof only partially covered the rooms but this was still an improvement to the tree he had tried to find refuge under a few minutes ago. He had been wandering through the open landscapes and meadows all afternoon and had lost track of time. Darkness was slowly descending over the quiet scenery he was looking over as he turned around. The rain shower had surprised him. He had been in deep thought, trying to gather where his path was supposed to lead him, flashes of his now broken engagement mixing with dreams of white beaches and turquoise waters. He was now determined to leave the country and engage in hedonistic pleasures for a while. Keep reading. […]

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