Marks and Bruises from BDSM Play – Hard to Get

The kind of sex that I engage in should leave marks on my body. Only, it doesn’t in the way that you think it would. It doesn’t matter how hard or how long we do impact play, my skin often doesn’t even turn red. The pretty rosy butt cheeks after a good spanking? Nope, don’t get them. The stripes of honour on your back after a flogging? Nope, don’t get them either. The bruises that show on your skin the next day? I am sure you have guessed it by now: I don’t get those.
Impact Play and Feeling like a Wuss
When I started to look into impact play, BDSM sex and D/s dynamics a few years ago, I saw all those beautiful pictures of post play bodies. Covered in marks, bruises, scratches. Red butts and swollen breasts. While those images weren’t a total turn on for me, I could see how the marks after play were worn as badges of honour. They were a reminder of a great time, of impact play, of submission, of masochism.
I also felt like they showed how much the person, the bottom, could take. So when I realized that my skin wasn’t showing any marks after impact play, no matter how hard I pushed myself and how much pain I took, I thought I was a whimp. I was convinced that I just didn’t take enough pain and that other submissives and masochists were just able to take more. But the thing is: after watching a lot of movies and being at play parties, I realized that that wasn’t the case. I actually seem to be able to take more impact play than most. I am even into the more extreme forms like punching and kicking. Most people would probably get a bruise from getting their boobs punched. But I don’t.
Squeezing and Pinching
The only way that I can get marked or maybe even bruised, is when my skin gets squeezed, pulled or pinched very hard, for a while. So a clothes pin pinching the flesh of my boobs leaves a mark. So does a hard squeeze of my upper arms, my sides or my inner thighs. And fortunately that is a lot of the painplay we do: squeezing.
I had a concussion about two years ago and I have postconcussion syndrome. For me, that basically means that even the smallest bump on my head, can give me some concussion symptoms for a few days. That can get really annoying, to be honest. And it also affects our sex life because impact play isn’t always possible when your head needs to rest. So that is where the squeezing comes in, and the pulling, and the pinching. They are all great ways to inflict pain, and every now and then, I even get marks from it. There are not always a lot of positives to being on the chubby side, but when it comes to painplay and being creative with it, having more fat on your body, definitely helps.
Marks and bruises are not really a turn on for me. It is not like I look at them the next day and get aroused just by the sight of them. But I definitely feel a sense of pride when I find one on my skin. I think it has to do with feeling like a good girl. I could take so much pain, that even my skin got bruised from it. They are also a fantastic reminder of a great playtime. I smile when I discover them on my body, and I even show them off to my Master.
I think that marks and bruises make me feel more submissive. It is a sign that I have been a good girl to my Master, that I was able to obey him, to take the pain he gave me. And they are an expression of my masochism. I enjoy pain, I get off on pain, and my body being marked like that, is a very visible sign of that.
But do I find bruises and marks beautiful? Nah, I don’t. I am not aroused by them, I don’t get horny thinking about them or looking at them. As a matter of fact, if they are on any kind of visible spot, I might even use make-up to conceal them. I can totally see how they could be arousing to others though and I admire those that wear them with pride.
These marks look like the SierpiĆski triangle Very fractal, need to work on other patterns!
Haha, art on my boobs!