SoSS #3
I am one of those people who starts working on something right before deadlines approach. The time pressure makes me focus better. It doesn’t mean that I am a bad planner though. I just like being scared into finishing something, haha. Well, this time I missed the deadline for my #SoSS post. Oopsie. But still, I read lots of naughty stories, reflective and thought-provoking posts and looked at some beautiful pictures. Here are the posts that have impressed me most the last seven days!

This picture by bluesubmission is absolutely fabulous. First off, that wall painting is amazing. It is like a cooler version of a rubenesque work of art. But the model’s figure in front of it, gives the picture a really cool vibe. It feels “street” but it also feels artsy, deep and very relaxed. I am imagining Floridian beaches and beautiful sunsets for some reason. Very delightful picture. You can see the full version of it here.

The Purples did it again. I swear, they are posting amazing pictures every week, I am very impressed. This picture looks like a professional shot, doesn’t it? The light, the scenery, her beautiful body. This is a very warm and sensual image. It is dreamy and calm. I love it! You can see the full version of it here.

Posy did the fishnet thing! Okay, first off, her legs are so fantastic, look at how great they look! I am jealous! I am a huge fan of anything fishnet. It fits any goth outfit well, and it can also be perfect for kinky scenes. Posy discusses her love for fishnetty clothing. You can see more pictures and read her reflections here.
Erotic Fiction
Lascivity‘s post Sadistic Procedures (One) on a sadist’s idea of how to torture their partner is absolutely delicious. It reads like an instruction on how to make a masochist squirm with need while not giving them the sexual pleasure they crave. Honestly, reading this one got me all hot and bothered. Read it!
Violet Fawkes wrote the wonderful piece Put Me Into Slutspace and oh my, this stuff is hot! I could very much relate to the needs expressed and the fantasies that played out. Read it!
Jupiter Grant shared a lovely story with Another Hot August Night. I think this sexy tale really fits in with our summery times at the moment. Sweaty passion and there is a great retro vibe to it. Read it!
Morag wrote a very interesting post on how penis size is not relative to the level of sexual enjoyment. I agree with a lot of what she said. A huge dong does not make you a great lover, it could instead make you a lazy one. On the other end, a small penis might push someone into trying to learn how to use their tool more effectively. Read her post!
May‘s story on site security and the shady workings of different hosts and internet security companies is both scary and insightful. I like that she took control, didn’t allow anyone to talk her into things she didn’t need and how she was able to fix it all by herself! Read it!
My Own Writing
I have written quite a lot of posts in the last seven days! There are a few that I am particularly proud of! The erotic story of Aunt Jeanie was a lot of fun to write and I am definitely going to have a few sequels planned involving that character! My reflective post about my father was a very difficult one to write, but I am glad that I did it. And last but not least, my favourite picture of myself from the last seven days is this one.

Thank you for mentioning us, I do like being called the purples haha
I thought I was clever calling you the Purples, haha. I am glad you like it!
Thanks for the mention, DS. Great SoSS!
You’re welcome!
What a great post, I loved the links I recognised, and I shall check out those I hadn’t visited.
You have paid me such great compliments – thanks for admiring my legs and praising my fishnet musings!
You’re welcome <3