
My Master is stil abroad. I feel lonely and lost without him. I miss his guidance, his reassurance and the safety he provides. I miss his hands on me, his eyes observing me. Miss the pain, the orgasms, the control he has over me. But most of all, I miss his company. I am so lonely and lost without him.

Such a gorgeous image. Big hugs to you, darling, it sounds like the absence is really tough to take. ???
Thank you, darling <3 At least I had something creative to occupy myself with!
<3 Sooooon and then you will have all the love!! This image is bloody stunning x
Thank you <3 I am counting the hours, haha.
You look like someone who knows where they are going in this shot – very strong image
Thanks! I was going for the “Dude, come home already, I need a proper flogging”-vibe, haha.
A lovely image, and I bet he can’t wait to come home to sexy you! I hope he will be home soon.
Rebel xox
Thank you <3
Big hugs. I hope you will be reunited very soon
Thank you, Molly <3
I feel your loneliness. This is a stunning image, beautifully composed.
Thank you <3
great photo sorry you are lonely
Thank you, Sindee <3
I love that flogger, it matches you so well. Maybe when your Master returns you’ll need a way to reconnect using it.
Yeah, I can’t wait to feel his control over me again, the flogger might just help with that. Thanks, PurpleSole <3
I hope you find comfort soon but in the mean time that photo is stunning!
Thank you so much <3