New Beginnings

Well. Uh. I had a sort of meltdown this morning. A Britney Spears sort of meltdown. I went to get my hairtrimmer and cut off all my long hair. I am not even sure why I did it. The first move was to cut right through the middle and as the clown look didn’t really suit me, I went all in. In an attempt to soothe my hair anxiety, I dyed my hair black, too.
I was afraid that I would lose my femininity but with some make up and the right pose, I look really hot. Impulsive decisions sometimes lead to really interesting results!
Lose your femininity? Don’t be silly. New looks are fun and if you got it you’re not losing it. Like the dye job too. Change is good, DS.
Haha, thanks, Elliott! Change can be good indeed!
Devie, you look super feminine! And the impulsivity of decision making has taken me to a new level of perception of reality. Literally this Monday!
Thank you, Lisa! Oh, impulsive decisions can definitely make life better, I am glad it worked for you too!
Wow! Let all your beginnings come true 😉 You are really feminine, Devie!
Thanks, Mary!
You certainly look very hot. I love how well you coordinated your outfit, though I know you always do. I also particularly like the earrings and I suppose change is scary, especially when it is so abrupt and perhaps wasn’t entirely in your control, but sometime beautiful things emerge from it
Thank you <3 Yes, I tend to be mindful about my outfit and style :P I was really lucky that short hair suits my face, haha, it could have totally backfired :P
Haha, could have indeed!
I absolutely love this new look of yours. You are gorgeous, Devie! xox
Thank you <3 I went all in haha
I’ve been tempted to cut my own hair but I don’t have your courage! You look great!
I am not sure if I’d call it courage, haha, I just made an impulsive decision and went for it 😛 Thank you <3
For the first time in 20 years I need to use a comb. I still haven’t asked anyone in my family to cut my hair. lol
Every few months I want to do this myself … you make me feel like maybe I could? Eeeee! You look awesome!
I had been annoyed with my long hair for so long, and wanted a fresh start, and also wanted to go to black. Sometimes impulsive decisions are awesome, because I have come to really love my short hair 😀 Thank youuuu! Maybe you will give it a go one day too!
You have style and beauty. Love your look , You know how to make long and short hair sexy and beautiful.
Love your style of clothes. wish You could dress me and be my make up artist.
Keep the your style the Devie look — hot n sexee
Thank you so much, Sindee!