The Hunger


You’ll be back. When the hunger knows no reason. And then you’ll need to feed, and you’ll need me to show you how.

The Hunger (1983)
Sinful Sunday

If you want to see more naked and sexy pictures of me, and videos too, then head on over to my OnlyFans. There are whole photosets, snapshots, videos and clips. All the artsy, sexy, kinky and explicit stuff that you can imagine. Just click here and subscribe!

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23 Responses

  1. MrsK says:

    This is so raw and real and I want to hang it on my wall!

  2. slave sindee says:

    wonderful photo. i must say if i ever had the privilege of tasting You , i am sure i would hunger for You always

  3. Love the symmetry and your jewellery in this shot. Really adds to the heat of it all.
    Missy x

  4. This is gorgeous, Devie. That opening so symmetrical, and your fingers digging into your flesh. Hunger indeed.
    ~ Marie

  5. Julie says:

    Oh wow. I love this picture so much. I want whatever it is you are wearing there!

  6. naughtynora says:

    Damn. Carnal.

  7. Molly says:

    I love how your fingers have created similar shapes to your vulva in the flesh of your thighs. This is such a powerfully sexy image


  8. sub-Bee says:

    This is powerful and sexy. I love your fingers digging into your thighs.

  9. Lisa Stone says:

    Powerful image

  10. Oooh – you pulling at your thighs is super hot, Devi! x

  11. Goodness this is next level! Such fun watching your artistic abilities grow and grow like my…er well I think you can guess 😉

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