Bestvibe’s Soft Tentacles Mini Cordless Nipple Vibrator – Review

When most people think of a sextoy, their mind often wanders to toys for the genitals. Vibrators, dildos, fleshlights, some might even think as far as anal plugs. I miss the focus on other areas: the nipples or sensuality that involves the whole body. So you can imagine my delight when I was asked to review a pair of nipplesuckers! Read on to find out what I thought of Bestvibe’s Soft Tentacles Mini Cordless Nipple Vibrator.
The Specifications

The pumps or suckers are made out of ABS silicone, so they are body safe ( but they could go porous with time, something quite common with ABS). They are black and have a half-globe that you place on the nipple, and inside that globe are seven white tentacles. They look sort of similar to those of a toothbrush. And attached to the globe is a phallus like black stick in which you can place 3 button cell batteries. On top of the stick is button you click and then the toy starts vibrating. And then there is a soft pump that you press to create a vacuum so that the whole thing sucks onto your nipple.
There was no user manual but it is all pretty straight forward. I must admit that I missed the vibrating function for quite a while because of the lack of a manual and only later realized the button and the batteries. I cleaned the pumps with soap and warm water like I do with all silicone toys.
On a First Look

The nipplesuckers are quite sturdy. I was quite surprised by the weight of them. I think the pumps are quite soft and light-weight, while the stick and globe are made our of a harder material and feel heavy in comparison. And that would make sense as that is where the batteries go in. The white tentacles are soft, flexible and pleasant when you touch them.
I quite like the feel of the nipplesuckers, although I was a bit concerned about them staying put because of the weight. It felt like they would tip over and fall off quickly because of the imbalance of weight between the parts. I also enjoy touching the more sturdy stick, because it feels like a good place to hold when you want to press the nipplesuckers down. I was quite curious about how they would make me feel, and if the mechanics actually would work out.
Having Fun with Them

Apart from the weight balance concern, I was also worried about that my nipples would not be the perfect fit for the toy. I have big areolas and the half-globes seem to have been made for smaller or average aerolas. I was also expecting to need to lie down because I don’t have the most perky boobs and I thought that the nipplesuckers would just fall off.
So there I was, on my back, placing the first globe over my one nipple. The first time I tried, I definitely didn’t do it right. The whole thing didn’t stay put. But after some experimenting, I figured it out. You need to press the pump hard while the sucker is placed on the nipple, and voilá, it stays where it belongs! The feeling was quite pleasant. It was like a heavy pressure somehow. It didn’t feel much similar to having someone suck your nipple, but more like them being pulled by a vacuum. Not like lips around the nipple but more like a tube trying to pull them up.
I sat up, walked around, I bounced my boobs up and down, and they stayed put! I was really pleasantly surprised by that. After a while, they became a tad painful. But as I am not averse to pain ( = read: I love pain!), I let them stay on for quite a while, to see where it was going. I loved the sensation and I can totally see myself using the toys during play with my partner or even when I have some fun with myself. It is an odd sensation at first, but it became pleasurable for me. And I really don’t have average boobs so I can imagine that it might feel even more pleasant for someone who has the right dimensions in nipple size.
The most fun thing with these nipplesuckers is when you take them off. First, you pull a little. And it is hurts but is also a very pleasant sensation. For someone with my sort of boob shape, this was even cooler, because I could pull up my boobs quite a lot. And then there is a fun plop sound! I don’t know why but I found that sound very satisfying and played around with the toys quite a bit, just to hear that sound again!
After a while, I also discovered the vibrating function. Unfortunately, I found that one to be a little bit disappointing. I would assume that the brushy tentacles were supposed to vibrate, but they don’t. Instead the half-globe vibrates quite a bit, but not enough to give any sort of major sensory reaction. The tentacles didn’t even reach my nipples to begin with. The vibrations are not uncomfortable but I usually need a stronger sensation to actually feeling anything on my nipples. I am sure that if someone with different needs and different boobs would try out the vibrations, they might get a different experience than I did.
My Verdict
I found Bestvibe’s Soft Tentacles Mini Cordless Nipple Vibrator to be fun to play around with. It is a different sort of toy, which is a plus for me. And the sensation of the vacuum around the nipples is really nice. I was very pleasantly surprised that the toys worked for my nipple and aerola size and my boob shape. The vibrator function didn’t give me much, and I would have done fine without it being part of the deal. All in all, a fun toy that probably works different for different people, all depending on needs and size and shape.
You can purchase the toy for 26.99 US Dollars here
I offered to write an honest review in exchange for the toy and a small fee.
Read my other sex toy reviews here.
Thank You i must say the review was very nice but i really enjoyed the pictures of you playing with those beautiful breasts.
Thank you, hehe <3
Sounds like a very cool toy!
It is 😛
Great review Devie- I could imagine whether this would suit me. I think I’d have fun with these, especially during solo play.
Thank you, Posy! They were fun indeed!