Not Naked


You don’t have to be naked to have sex. Sometimes you are way sexier when you are wearing something lace, something see-through, something that makes you seem naughty yet innocently modest. It also helps with confidence. Having a bad body image day? You don’t need to fuck in the dark for that. Just wear something hot, and be seductive and confident in the way it works for you, in the light, for your partner to see.

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19 Responses

  1. slave sindee says:

    great photo and You, Devie, don’t have to be naked to be or look sexy

  2. Lisa Stone says:

    Very expressive photo. It shows your sexuality and hotness in a very strong way!

  3. 100% agree – I love it even more so when fabric is ripped off me x

  4. Mary Wood says:

    This is a great shot! You are amazing, Devie!

  5. PurpleSole says:

    Looking fierce Devie 🙂 and I absolutely agree, sometimes not naked is better.

  6. I so agree with what you’re saying here and you portray it wonderfully in this picture. I love how you’re on top as if it’s symbolic for having that strength and confidence, feeling sexy wearing the lace during sex.

  7. You look gorgeous, and I do agree with your advice 🙂
    ~ Marie

  8. Violet says:

    I soooooo agree! And you look AMAZING.

  9. An awesome look and a great point to this post.

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