A to Z Challenge 2020 – Theme Reveal

As it is the last day of March (at least it is here for another couple of hours), I thought I’d better rush and do the theme reveal for my 2020 A to Z challenge! I have done the challenge before, but on another blog of mine, one that solely focuses on mental health. And I found it quite challenging.
I usually don’t have an issue with writing and publishing posts every day. Although it might not always seem that way, I am quite an organized blogger, and I often plan my posts ahead of time, checking different memes and prompts, constantly writing down ideas. I even have a notebook (one out of paper, not a tiny laptop thing) that I use for just that: scribbling down ideas and planning things like blogposts, taking pictures, projects, pitches and so on. I didn’t have all that last year. So I am way more organized!
But what I think I most likely did wrong last year, apart from not being organized enough, was that I picked a theme that was too big. Each post ended up taking hours of research and I had to write over 2000 words every day. I am surprised I even managed to finish the challenge, late or not! And this year I don’t want to pause all my other blogging activity because I focus on one challenge. But after some thought, and some detailed planning, I think I can get it done!
So I am doing the A to Z challenge this year! If you don’t know what that is, click here! It is a huge project for bloggers of all genres, where you publish a post a day, and the topic of the post needs to start with the letter of the day. So day one is A, day two is B and so on. And it is easier to do so when you have a theme! My ambitious approach last year was to educate others about different mental illnesses, to spread knowledge and information. This year, my posts will be more personal, more reflective, and will definitely not take hours to write!
My theme this year is BODY LOVE
I have struggled with my body image, my sexuality and accepting my needs for as long as I can remember. I have been fat shamed, I have fat shamed myself. There are so many parts of my body that I still have difficulty looking at, and a lot of times, I am not even able to connect to physical sensations. So I want to explore that this month. I am going to express thoughts and feelings around my different body parts, my sexuality and the way I look at it all. There are going to be appreciative posts, and those that show that I still struggle with accepting all of me. And I am going to talk about pleasure, sex, self-care, masturbation, perspectives, gender identities and how I look at other bodies. It is going to be a month of self-exploration!
If you want to join the A to Z Challenge too, there is still time for it! Just click the banner and it will take you to the website that has instructions on what to do!
A theme I have not seen before. Original and that’s good. I look forward to reading and good luck with the challenge🍀
Ha, thanks, I try to stick out when I can 😛
Good luck… I did it a few years ago and by the end I wanted to quit blogging…. it’s one of the reasons why I don’t do every meme every week… I prefer to write what I am inspired to do and only when I am 😊😊
Yeah, I can totally see how the limitations of prompts and challenges can affect one’s creativity negatively. I just needed a nudge to write more again 😛
Well have fun and I’ll read as many as I can x
Yayyyy.. I’ll definitely be following along. 😊 I planned for mine too and it took a lot of the pressure off.
I am reading along yours too 😀
This sounds like a great theme DS and I look forward to reading what you come up with 😊
Thanks, Missy!
I absolutely LOVE your theme! Looking forward to read your posts 🙂
Rebel xox
Thank you! It is going to be an interesting and reflective month of writing for me!
That is a great theme!
Oh, thank you!