Winter Trees

Aren’t you cold and won’t you freeze,
With branches bare, you winter trees?
You’ve thrown away your summer shift,
Your autumn gold has come adrift.

Dearie me, you winter trees,
What strange behaviour, if you please!
In summer you could wear much less,
But come the winter – you undress!

The Land of Giants – George Szirtes
February Photofest
Sinful Sunday

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32 Responses

  1. I like the poem, excellent shot, my favorite so far.

  2. jupitergrant says:

    Wonderful image. I love how starkly cold it looks, and I love your stance and the wind in your hair 💝

  3. missy says:

    Great poem and I really love the wildness in your image 😊

  4. Molly says:

    I love how the black panels in your outfit are mirrored by the two trunks.


  5. I love the poem and the pic is amazing, you look incredible in it and I love the contrasts in it.

  6. May says:

    Great shot -u and the trees look amazing x

  7. slave sindee says:

    making the winter trees beautiful
    lovely photo

  8. PurpleSole says:

    It looks as though you are striding through the woods with confidence. Rawr!

  9. Amazing as always! You make me want to brave the cold. You must of been freezing for this shot. Brrrr!

  10. Oh wow, I love the attitude in this pose!

    Rebel xox

  11. Mrs Fever says:

    Haha! 😀 Excellent verse. It goes very well with your photo. 😉

  12. My hat off to you!
    Way too cold for me haha
    Love this a lot

  13. Much more braver than I – beautiful image x

  14. sub-Bee says:

    You’re either brave or crazy *laughs. Seriously though, I’d love to get some lovely snow images but I wouldn’t dare venture out in it!

  15. I get a strong sense of Samson in the Temple of Dagon

  16. Posy says:

    Great image – I love that you’re bracing against them! Stronger!
    Cute verse!

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