Badass – February Photofest Day 4

February Photofest 2020 Day 4
© DeviantSuccubus

It doesn’t show on all of my pictures, hut I have the sides of my head either shaven or very short. It is not a mohawk, but a gothhawk, as they call it. As I have pretty long hair, I can hide it and can have many different hairstyles. I love having my hair up and being badass. It just takes a couple of hours to get the hair the way it is supposed to be and that is a lot of effort! Not to mention the entangling the next day!

This was taken on the way home after a night out. I don’t go out and dance as much as I would want to. But that night we went to a club that played alternative 80s music. It was fun and my hair looked amazing in the neon lights. Exhilarated by the music and the vibe of the night, I felt compelled to get naked on the way home. And here you see the result. A pretty good badass, eh?

February Photofest

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16 Responses

  1. PurpleSole says:

    That stance along with your nakedness says badass to me!

  2. jupitergrant says:

    I love all the attitude in this pic! From your sassy power-stance to your fantastic violet gothhawk!! 👍

  3. May says:

    amazingly sassy DS! x

  4. slave sindee says:

    a sexy badass
    love to rock the dance floor with You

  5. So hot! I love your hair.

  6. Indeed, you are a pretty good badass and I love your hair. Also love your pose in the image!

    Rebel xox

  7. SassyCat says:

    Your photo has attitude and your hair is awesome!

  8. Victoria says:

    I love everything about this!

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