This Roaring Silence

Sexy goth
© DeviantSuccubus

Don’t fall
I know your back’s against the wall
But this roaring silence
Won’t devour us all

“Don’t Fall” – The Chameleons

I am not often in love with a picture of mine but I am in love with this one. I look confident, despite the overwhelming evening I had. It is taken in front of one of the doors of a church on Gore Avenue (now if that is not a gothy name for a street, then what is?). I look like a sexy demon stepping out of the darkness.

This picture was taken tonight, after a concert. I had had a very confusing evening. My body hadn’t wanted what I wanted, which in retrospect had to do with that I fucked up my carbs intake. I am on a very low carb diet because of my diabetes that I can’t treat with medication for now. And sometimes I eat too little carbs and well, my body really does not respond well to that. So for the first two bands of the night, I had to sit down, shaking, feeling like I was going to faint, and trying to hold back tears of frustration, and fear. I ate some protein bars which after about 40 minutes kicked in. But those 40 minutes were absolute hell. I would have walked out and went home, but I couldn’t even move because my body had zero energy. I wanted to go home.

But then the food kicked in and I actually managed to stand up. I walked outside and hugged my boyfriend, and decided to try and see the band I came to see, one of my favourite bands: The Chameleons. And the concert was really awesome. In the beginning I stood at the back, but then moved to the front, close to the moshpit, sang along, jumped around and danced.

And I got lots of compliments for my outfit and the way I looked. The evening really turned around. And while we were walking back to our car, I thought I’d take this week’s Sinful Sunday picture. It was actually hilarious because there were lots of police cars driving around (because it is not the safest area in town) and there were people walking by too. But we found a moment of silence, and I took my clothes off and we took some pictures. And a fabulous thing was a guy walking by, stopping for a second to look at me, and saying: You are sexy. That really made me smile.

So from being totally stunned by lack of energy, an inability to even move and wanting to jump out of my skin, I went to dancing at the concert of one of my favourite bands, taking a sinful picture I love, and being called sexy. My life definitely never is boring.

Proof! I was at the concert!

Want to see who else has been sinful this week? Kiss the lips!

Sinful Sunday

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36 Responses

  1. slave sindee says:

    i think this shows how strong and beautiful You aree inside and out not to mention SEXEE. You endured minute uppon minute of not feeling well and struggled and yet You endured to have a good time dancing and posing for that sexy photo.
    BTW i know You are a sub and Goth but in that photo You look like a wonderful Mistress – just saying what i see

    • Thank you, Sindee! I rarely feel strong but you are right, getting through tough moments and turning things around, probably takes strength! Ya know, you are not the first person saying that I can look dominant or like a Mistress. I think the goth look and that I can come across as bold on pictures, add to that.

  2. Sweetgirl says:

    Beautiful 😊

  3. PurpleSole says:

    I’m glad you felt sexy because hot damn that is a great image. I really like the attitude that comes from it.

  4. I love both images of you, and good that you at least got to enjoy your favorite band!

    Rebel xox

  5. Exposing40 says:

    This photo is fabulous. Glad you enjoyed the concert in the end.

  6. I can see why you love this photograph. It’s fabulous and incredibly sexy in a dark way. The shape of the arch is a great frame.
    Glad the evening turned out ok.
    Missy x

  7. Floss says:

    You look freakin’ awesome! x

  8. Fabulous photo on Gore Avenue. Love the concert shot, your profile is magnificent.

  9. jupitergrant says:

    Wow Deevie. This is such a great image! I’m so glad you were able to enjoy the gig eventually. Thanks to you, I’m totally getting into The Chameleons, and I’m glad you had fun. ❤

  10. kisungura says:

    Firstly, Gore Avenue! Sooo perfect for you, and secondly WOW! How striking do you look framed by that arch? I’m so glad you were able to enjoy the gig once you felt better x

  11. Posy Churchgate says:

    That photo should be an album cover, it is so dramatic. I think you’re really brave (taking your clothes off in public & gritting your teeth through your low-carb trauma. Respect darling – you look fab.

  12. Amazing photo . . . very vintage . . . very sexy !!!
    Xxx – K

  13. I expected you would have some great works to share with Halloween coming up and you are not disappointing!

  14. Asrai Devin says:

    I love this photo!!

  15. missy says:

    I love this picture of you too. The setting is brilliant but I love the way the light is falling and keeping your body partly in the shadows 😊

  16. May says:

    This is indeed a wonderful image DS x

  17. With a name lie that, it was just destiny – you had to get that shot and DS you look absolutely fucking incredible. It is such a powerful shot!! Delighted you got to enjoy the concert and equally sorry you were in pain <3 Much love x

  1. October 26, 2019

    […] This roaring silence from @DeviantSuccubus  This could be the succubus in my story from today!! […]

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