
© DeviantSuccubus

That moment. That very moment. When he has you right where you belong. Stuck in anticipation. In his grip. Knowing that it is going to hurt. But you want it to last just a little longer. The anticipation. It is sweet. Scary. Trusting. Wanting. Anticipating.

Sinful Sunday

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29 Responses

  1. *FLICK!*

  2. Mx Nillin says:

    Holy fuck this is a hot shot! Love the action going on and that mouth open in anticipation, waiting for it… mm!

    • Thank you so much! And the fun thing is, it wasn’t even staged, the fear and anticipation. I had been trying to get a good shot, and he just found it fun to actually got for it and pull and flick all the time. So the anticipation you see, is real, haha.

  3. May says:

    Yes your mouth says a lot here – expecting and knowing it will happen 😉

  4. I know that feeling of anticipation so well. Great image!

    Rebel xox

  5. slave sindee says:

    mmm flick and then hear the squeals
    sweet photo

  6. jupitergrant says:

    Very evocative picture. The anticipation in the shot is palpable! ?

  7. Molly says:

    The way your mouth is open with a slight smile on your lips really just says so much about this moment


  8. Posy Churchgate says:

    Oh Ow – the anticipation is palpable.

  9. Asrai Devin says:

    I’m on edge!!!

  10. What a fabulous image. I love the round shape of your open mouth reflected in the round shape of the hand and the roundness of the breast. I know the sensation which is about to happen and I’m super impressed with how you’ve captured it.

  11. victoriablisseuk says:

    Fucking anticupation! Arggh! I love it so much!

  12. J. Lynn says:

    Amazing image DS! I can hear your squeals of anticipation ❤️

  13. Floss says:

    Amazing shot! Perfect display of anticipation, love it x

  14. sub-Bee says:

    You’ve captures that moment perfectly.

  1. July 20, 2019

    […] Anticipation  eeeeh, I’m on edge […]

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