SoSS #2 – My Favourites of the Week
I am a couple of days late with this but I think it is still worth posting. My website was down because my host was working on an update so I really didn’t get much done this weekend. Nevertheless, I read some amazing stories in the last seven days, and looked at some great pictures too! And I want to share my favourites with all of you! Welcome to my Share our Shit Saturday post!

I love this picture by Molly! It has black mesh, and beautiful breasts and nipples. What more can one wish for? I like how it is a close up too, making it look very artistic! The light also falls beautifully here. A very beautiful composition! You can see the full version of the image here.

Ms. Kiki E. posted this amazing picture on Sinful Sunday a week ago. I am a cat person! If no one stopped me, I would end up a crazy old cat woman, haha! So this picture hit me right in the heart! I also adore how well the picture works, her kitty is covering the parts that are to be left to the imagination. A lovely picture all around. You can see the full version of the photo here.

This photograph by Brigit is so amazing! The concept is captivating, yet simple. Her breasts look wonderfully lush and the the leaves cover the nipples beautifully. I also love how she gracefully holds the apple. Now this is an Eve for my taste! You can see the full version of the picture here.
One of the best stories that I have read this week was Eve‘s The Hair Cut. The story has a refreshing queer perspective. For most readers, the idea of getting most of your long hair chopped off might be a scary thought, but in this story, getting a haircut is both a defining and an erotic moment. And when the actually sexy situation develops, oh my!
Another story that really impressed me this week is Seen by bluesubmission. This played right into some of my own fantasies! I squirmed with her when she became more and more aware of her vulnerable position. At the same time, I could relate to wanting to be seen, played with, in front of a stranger. Very enticing narrative!
Fantasy in Poem by Kurvy Kinkster is a very sexy poem about a fantasy. I followed the lines and was quickly entranced by the beauty of her words and the steaminess of the situation she described. Give it a read!
BDSM and D/s Posts
I have followed PurpleSole’s denial of purplesgem‘s orgasm. They have written three posts about it and it was quite interesting to follow her thoughts and feelings around giving him control over her sexuality and the enticing nature of an orgasm being oh just so close, but yet so very far away! I have been denied orgasms for a couple of days, and I am quite sure that I would not last the 32 days that he made her wait! If there was a submissive of the month award, I would totally give it to her!
Melodyinsights wrote a very interesting post on dominance. What was surprising to me was their discussion of how they can not imagine walking in the shoes of a dominant. They understand logically how certain things could be very enticing to the mind, but emotionally they can not connect with that kind of pleasure. This made me reflect so much upon my own switchy tendencies, because I very much can imagine to dominate a woman, and thinking about it, gives me a certain kind of pleasure.
Reflections and Mental Health
Alethea wrote a very personal post on what it is like to live with PTSD in your own home. Not only do her children struggle with the condition, but she and her partner seem to suffer from it as well. This is a very heartbreaking account, but I also felt a strength showing through: the strength of a lioness, keeping her family together, fighting and managing life among anxiety, flashbacks, unhelpful professionals and insomnia.
My own Stuff
I’ve had quite a successful week, despite my site being down every now and then because of the host updates. I wrote 11 posts in the last seven days, and I was was both in the round up for Sinful Sunday and Masturbation Monday. Now how awesome is that? But my personal favourites of my own posts this week was my pictures of my new bra for Lingerie is for Everyone, the erotic story Drusilla – Queen of Vampires and my post on Double Penetration. So check them out, will ya?
Thanks for the mention!
Thank you so much for including me, I am so pleased that you enjoyed me and my kitty ?
You’re welcome <3
I really like how you have structured your #SoSS 🙂
Rebel xox
Thanks, Marie!